Welcome to Arrowhead Ranch

Where the connections formed between people, horses, and the expressive arts transform
lives, communities, and the world.

Life is full.
We all have much to be grateful for, yet it can be easy to let distractions that don’t enrich our
lives or our relationships drain our energy and thwart our dreams.

Take the time to regroup and refresh mind, body, and spirit.
At Arrowhead Ranch, you will have the opportunity to experience gentle interactions with horses and express your artistic
side in a supportive, non-judgmental environment—all in the beautiful, peaceful setting deep in
the Highwood Mountains of Montana.
Which of our journeys will speak to you?

Why Horses?

"My time at the art equestrian seminar was a very thought-provoking experience. It inspired me to get back to painting in a freer sense. It was refreshing being around other women with varying backgrounds and experience.  Tanara was an amazing facilitator. She kept everything moving smoothly and efficiently. She was in tune with everyone’s feelings and emotional needs in a very professional yet comfortable way. I feel we all walked away with a new and different perspective on ourselves."


"Beautiful workshop! I loved the idea of making your mark and the world being a canvas. Participants seemed to really enjoy utilizing the materials provided. The facilitators were ready to assist participants with any help or materials during the art making. People shared their art and experience openly. The feeling was loving and supportive while having playful moments too! Very smooth and professionally executed workshop. Well done!"


"Tanara’s kind soul, and the Highwood Mountains were a perfect setting for a self discovery workshop I attended! The time spent with the horses mirrored our emotions! Who knew such an amazing animal could give you so much information about yourself! We also had time to make an art piece to express ourselves. Hearing the creek running from her art studio was a great rhythm to create. I would definitely recommend her workshops to anyone looking for a unique experience in beautiful Montana mountains!"


"Our greatest gift is the gift of life...Our greatest sin is to return it unopened.

Attending Tanara's workshop for a day will be a special 'gift' you will give yourself. The new friends and interaction with horses is truly a memorable occasion. The Greek meaning of the word enthusiasm is 'God within'. You will be enthused!